Phone (269) 925-0616
Office Hours (M - F):
8:30am - 5:00pm

Fire Department


Robert Harper

Station 1

781 S Crystal Ave, Benton Harbor, MI
(269) 925-0395

Station 1 houses 7 firefighters and has four pieces of apparatus. In addition to the full time personnel on duty here, the reserve firefighters respond from this station on the additional apparatus.

There are two to three people on duty each day at this station, one lieutenant and one to two firefighters. The Fire Chief's office is also located at Station #1.

Station 2

181 Enterprise Way, Benton Harbor, MI
(269) 927-3996

Station 2 was opened and manned on January 21, 2008. This station houses three lieutenants, one on duty each day, and one fire truck.


Check out both stations on